Physical Fitness Tests


Aerobic Capacity

The Aerobic Capacity fitness area refers to the maximum rate that oxygen can be taken into and used by the body during exercise. Aerobic Capacity is considered important because of the research that associates good aerobic capacity in adults with a reduction in many health problems.

To measure aerobic fitness, you should perform 1 mile Run

One-Mile Run* - The One-Mile Run estimates aerobic capacity from running performance.

Test Objective

To run a mile as fast as possible.


  • Students are instructed to run a mile as fast as possible. Walking is permitted for students who cannot run the total distance.
  • b)
  • The time taken to complete the run is recorded in minutes and seconds.
  • c)
  • Students who do not finish the One-Mile Run should be given a time of 59 minutes and 59 seconds


Record the time in minutes and seconds.

Administration Tips for the

Aerobic Capacity Tests

  • In Preparation for any of the tests should include instructions and practice in pacing and in techniques for heart rate monitoring.
  • Adequate time should be allowed for students to warm up before taking a test and to cool down after completing the test.
  • To avoid potential health and safety issues with students and with generating invalid estimates, do not administer a test in unusually high temperatures.